
Blog Archive

Writing and running

I've been running almost all of my life, and I've been writing almost all of my life. Both can be the most ...

Reactions to a memoir

I should have known this, but somehow didn't. Fire in the Heart isn't even out yet, but the reactions to it seem ...


I went to the Oregon Book Awards. I drove for six hours. I spent money on a hotel. I curled my hair. I did not ...

In the Recording Studio

Yesterday we recorded the voice-over for the book trailer! It is a little difficult to read without a) laughing ...

Shameless Self Promotion

Well, revision is done, most people have agreed that I can use their first names in the book, and it is off to ...

But When….

If you start paying attention, most novels (and memoirs) employ the But...When principle. Think about it, If you ...
Author Photo

Author Photo

The other day I realized that my author photo, the one I send to readings and the like, and also the one that I ...