Fire in the Heart has launched. A lot of people have said a lot of nice things. Some people have said nothing, but it’s easy to think your hard-won book is the center of the universe–after all, you have struggled with it for years. I feel like more people would have celebrated if I had reached the summit of Everest. But that’s the way the world works today. There are less readers. Also, everyone thinks they can write a book, what’s so hard about it?
As an author, I am often seized with the uneasy fear that I should be doing more. Shouldn’t I be setting up events? Or bombarding the presses with news of my book? But then I have a bite of a calm down sandwich. I ran around doing readings for Geography, and while it was really fun and rewarding, book readings don’t really buy an author much in terms of sales (they instead buy you happiness by meeting readers. That is also valuable, but when time is a priority, something has to give.) Some authors are just master promoters. But with a full time job, I choose to spend my time off other ways (it works out to only about four non sleeping hours during the day. I’d rather go for a run).
With Fire in the Heart, would I love to see it become a best seller? Of course! For many reasons, not just monetary. But I feel strangely satisfied right now, because my main goal was to tell the story. I’ve done that. (I may change my mind later about promotion)
I guess my point is, do what makes you happy. It doesn’t make me happy right now to think about relentless promotion. I need a break–two books in less than 2 years is a big fat deal! (And there’s a third manuscript in there as well.)
I’m not saying I won’t do events. Hit me up! But I won’t do what I see some authors doing: blasting their email lists, working it like a second job. Right now, I just don’t have the time or energy. I’ll do all I can do.