Don’t you just hate it when you follow a blog and the author just disappears? I have become part of the problem. I’m not sure why I haven’t written in so long. I guess because life happens. In April, I sent my agent two ms–the revised kayak memoir and the new novel. Publishing is different than other things and I have waited for three months to ask her what she thinks. The answer will chart my future. As for other writing, I started on a new novel last week. I didn’t get very far. Summer is not good for writing. I admire people who can do it. There is just too much to do outside.

I’m also surrounded by people who say they are writing books. I wish for the best for them, I really do, but sometimes I wish writing ranked up there with other art forms. Everyone thinks they can write a book. Some of them will be good. Is it bad to feel a little annoyed that I spend so much effort on something that everyone thinks they can do? Maybe it is, I don’t know.

I’m slowly compiling an email list so I can send updates to people. If you want to be on it, go to the contact button and send me an email. I’ll add you.