The Lightning Within Us
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Fire in the Heart
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Contact me if you would like a reading or event, or if you’d like me to come to your book club.
Need a blurb for your book? I know how hard it can be to get those, for some of us who cringe at cold calling. I would like to pay it forward. If you’ve written an adventure memoir or a work of literary fiction, please ask! I don’t generally read science fiction, history tomes, or historical fiction.
Welcome to my author website!
I’m the author of The Geography of Water, a novel (University of Alaska Press). I’ve also published several short stories and essays in anthologies and journals.
My memoir, FIRE IN THE HEART; a memoir of friendship, loss, and wildfire, was published by Arcade in September 2017.
The Last Layer of the Ocean was published in April of 2020; a memoir of kayaking and heartbreak on the Alaska coast.
The Lightning Within Us is my newest work! It is a novel of consequences, small mountain towns, ghost trails, and Trees of Heaven.
Upcoming work:
I am working on a novel about TB sanitoriums in the 1940s. Contact me if you want to talk about anything writing related! I love to hear from writers and readers. I also like writing blurbs for other authors, as long as the books are in the genres I enjoy reading.
I am part of Fishtrap Fireside for October 2nd, 2020. Here is the link to listen and watch my reading at 7 pm Pacific time.
I was a featured writer in the First Draft Writers Series in Pendleton, Oregon
Here is the link to an interview with Shelf Unbound Magazine
Here is the interview link from the Wallowa County Chieftain
Here is the link to the recent radio interview with KCAW, Raven Radio (Sitka)